Frienemies versus Kindred Spirits

I am gonna go ahead & rip up the rulebook now. I think it’s time. My writing career has reached that season, as my spirit has evolved to the hum of holy holographic heights, & my range of worldly motion has reached prolific peaks. Click Follow. I’m on a role & plan to stay here.

This blog is essentially my online magazine of sorts. It was originally launched as a website to promote my book, but it has now evolved into a weekly publication of various informative & entertaining articles from all different directions. God works in mysterious ways. I am who I am, & if you don’t like me, where I came from, who I roll with or the powerful presence of mind I may have, oh well. Keep it steppin’ then. With that said, here goes my newest invention, ripped with style & grace as always. Thank you for attending the service 🙂

If two people have nothing in common, they don’t hang out. If two people disagree, they work it out, agree to disagree or go separate ways. So why do so many people mindlessly spend so much time around others that harm them, cramp their style, tarnish their ideals, victimize their hearts, & steal their mojo? It is simply not necessary or good for ya even. And, that’s around-about what this article will touch upon.


Super Zapp! Here to shed some lustrous rainbow faceted diamond light again, folks.

I am gonna start with something a little taboo, though first… since these days people seem to like to be lured into reading as if lustfully enslaved. I am gonna do just that from now on BTW. People do oftentimes read books still, but circa 21st century, they seem to read em on an e-reader. In the dark ages of the 80s & 90s…lol… folks used to pick up a mag walkin’ thru the local convenience store line, nowadays everybody reads headlinesonline.

Speaking of books, ya can’t help but notice the significant levels of endorphins that arise when one engages in the activity of reading escape-worthy delicious novels. The handsome hunk of a hero prevails, the seductive damsel in distress is rescued & ravished, vikings & villains have this sexy talent for illuminating intrigue, & the townspeople are all interconnected in mysterious rather promiscuous twined tales. The games they all play are riddled with scandalous wild forbidden provocative pursuits. Blood pressure rises, hearts beat with a bit of butterflies, & flying by the seat of the pants on a wing & prayer is quite stimulating, erotic & esoteric even. Spray me down with a hose there, Bill-bob… my ears are hot, my cheeks blushing…

I am not so sure how I intend on integrating that salacious edge into the prose I compose. But we will soon find out together. Mainly, cause I usually don’t see what’s comin’ til it gets here.

Sex & spirituality coming together in one sentence, on one platform… in not two separate chairs, but quite frankly…on a very cozy hammock. Swinging back & forth, & back & forth again, on the air & breezes of a lazy summer day. Happy together. Drawn to each other like two entities swirling in a magnetic cosmic dance of sorts. Essentially, exploring the many hallways of “a good-time.”

Can’t have a successful union without the consummation of sex with a spiritual backdrop. Period. Sex without the spiritual backdrop will be the kind that just feels… kinda empty afterward. We’ve all been there. Ya live & learn as they say. Some of us may still even be there, no biggie. I’m sure you’re open to improvement, & that’s what I am here for.

With that said, to be on the same wavelength & energetic pathway where chemistry is a no-brainer is to be kindred spirits. If one decides to lay down with a person who doesn’t fit that profile via matching them vibrationally (said kindred spirit), the sexual encounter with certainty, will be lacking & unfulfilling any further than the act itself. Then when the lust factor subsides, what’s left… is very simple: blah. Yes, you heard it right… BLAH is left. lol. Leftover buzzes work to mask the blah. But, when the rose-colored glasses come off…one see’s how senseless & unmeaningful it all was. Hey, it’s all a person’s preference. If you are the type to be cool with the surface illusion of a great time masking the truth of a rather spiritually toxic time… that’s absolutely your god-given right to choose, baby. Who am I to judge?

Goin’ to the bone-yard without a condom or a clue… is just plain stupid if ya ask me. Sex with a kindred spirit on the other hand, always has a sweetness to it. Like fruit from a tree… so naturally satisfying, all aged to perfection with sunshine & raindrops, bursting with nutrients & flavor. Now what’s not to like about that?  That’s what I’m talkin about. Ya just can’t go wrong. If you wanna eat raisins, it’s certainly your prerogative. But I like grapes much better. Plump, alive & juicy… OR… dead, shriveled up, & preserved with sulfur. You choose. lol


As long as two people are connected to each other by way of wavelength… then energetically their spirits will thus blend & bodies will then just follow. It’s law. Easy breezy. Can’t feel crappy after that one…unfulfilled or shameful. It’s a “good time” not just cause of the benefits, but because each person’s soul gets fed too. It’s quite natural actually. How it goes down. hahaha (no pun intended)


Two people blend & bond & benefit each other sexually & spiritually if they indeed are kindred spirits. If they are…then unconditional love is present within the union & the God-Force dominates & orchestrates their togetherness shared. You don’t have to be married to have that. You don’t have to even be exclusive or monogamous. Not that I am in favor of promiscuity or promoting irresponsible “free-love.” I am just saying that there doesn’t have to be a requirement for a label or expectation until the two folks decide otherwise. Communication is in place just for that very purpose.


What I am speaking of here, is a brand of sexual connection that is healthy, healing, holistic, happy, & the ultimate rush, I think. The ultimate high. It makes perfect sense, for those of us who have grown tired of outdated dating. For those of us who are looking to change up the so-called rules & regs of the sex game. Trade out the dirty socks for clean ones… it is indeed 2017, last time I checked. A redefining of plenty of things is surely at hand, & that definitely includes sex & spirituality.

Things just unfold easily when you are in the arms or presence of a person who gets you. It’s never a trying experience. Time not only flies, but typically disappears. The quality of thoughts & feelings exchanged is enchanting. Magic seems to be all in the air. Things make sense. The environment begins to fall into focus. Warm vibes crown you both. Each is a muse to the other. No shortage of smiles. Giggles shall be plentiful. Mutual respect & admiration is king. You CARE. And, hugs, hands & hearts blend like butter & toast.


We obviously cannot have loose sexual boundaries with all of our kindred spirits. But we certainly can allow ourselves to feel good with each of them. It’s perfectly natural to favor a kindred spirit in such a way that your presence is complimentary to their flow. I personally, want to help up your game in any way I can. I want to be an asset to folks. I want to accentuate the good & great & powerful aspects of a person just by being fully present & aware. I expect, command, & decree the same in return. We weren’t put on this Earth to put each other down. We were born here to build each other up. And in order to do that, we must have open hearts, which I will explain further in a sec.

As I just mentioned, not every kindred spirit you meet, you will have sexual chemistry with. But, make sure the one you are sleeping with… is indeed a kindred spirit. Some kindred spirits are work or school ones. Some are family ones that you are related to. Some are friends, young, older, male or female. Some are both friends & lovers. All… serve individual purposes in your life. And, there is nothing like a life chock-full of kindred spirits.d8053138b9a521481928f0a39808a173

It’s fun, it’s rewarding, it’s like a pleasant afternoon walk through life’s various scenes & circumstances… with little or no opposition or “frienemies.” I say “frienemies” because the> “enemy in the brush” as I call it… is usually someone close. The more we excel as humans who identify with the spirit having a human experience, the more we supersede the attraction to us of said “enemy in the brush.” We essentially graduate “Red Flag School” with Aces, as we have learned the art of spotting the snake in the grass a mile away. No more do we endanger our lives, or jeopardize our progress, by accidentally allowing some brand of enemy to come around or scope us out. The static interference of the enemy in the brush no longer corrupts the sound system. Crystal clear sharp vibratory frequency then thus ensues, as all the folks in & out of our lives are… the “right ones”>>>kindred spirits.img_4253

When we have developed to a point in our personal evolution, where we are not tarnished or tainted any longer by past hurts or pains from residual effects of former relationships…that means that we have deliberately dug up certain weeds & consciously planted new seeds. We have done this in order to allow ourselves the opportunity to fully breathe again, & to honor our natural birthright to experience life to its fullest.

Humans seem to be so darn good at playing a victim role, self-sabotaging & depriving themselves of their true gifts, talents, joys & pleasures. It’s quite disconcerting. It’s time for us to grow out of these nasty habits & patterns, & replace them with new improved standpoints of being… where we shine way brighter, & tap unlimited resources within us rather than relying on temporal fleeting flawed elements in the material reality. Cosmic consciousness is eternal, infinite & immortal with limitless potentials. I say we learn to pick fruit & flowers from that garden.

Many folks are indeed doing themselves an injustice when they continue to cover up past pain via substance overuse or distractions. The acid reflux of the repressed emotions will continue to haunt & taunt until they are regurgitated completely & discarded &/or the emotional ties are severed via cutting cords. Snip! Snip! Snip! Up, up & out! Up, up & out, my friends. Locate it. Look at it. Let it go. Breathe in the good life. Breathe out what no longer serves you. Inhale prana life force energy. Exhale all toxic densities. Ghosts be gone!

As I stated before, we were born to this beautiful 3-D Earth plane planet to serve each other, lift each other up, not break each other down, or chew each other up & spit each other out. With that said, we must unquestionably have open hearts. What exactly does open heart mean? Well, unclogging the Heart Chakra via unearthing & unleashing stuck old harbored hurts, guilts, fears, resentment, shame, pain, bitterness, distrust, disappointment & heartache, would be a nice big fat healthy jump off to the uncloggage process.

A little Chakra Ed 101: The 4th Chakra is the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is located in the chest area, the Heart Chakra bridges the lower and upper chakras. It’s the bridge between the physical and the spiritual. The color of the Heart Chakra is a range of shades of gorgeous green. It is linked with feeling compassion, love, acceptance and gratitude. So when it is closed or repressed, the emotions of compassion, love, acceptance & gratitude are impaired… resulting in the experience of being a prisoner to the “painbody” rather than living a sweet human experience with a sense of excitement, joy & freedom. A closed or semi-closed Heart Chakra will lead to a very unfulfilling existence that indefinitely leads to much suffering, & a slow lonely death, basically.

Chakra is Sanskrit for: spinning wheel.


They are essentially energy vortexes made of light & color that spin & churn energy, transmute it & distribute it accordingly. Opening & cleansing chakras can result in increased physical comfort & significantly improve health & well-being. Since we are mainly just focused on the Heart Chakra for now, I will give you a visual so that you may use it as a tool to cleanse & unclog, so to speak.


The Heart Chakra is related to the element of air. This is why conscious breathing & the letting go process is so relevant here. So while you are consciously breathing… visualize the green golden spinning light vortex. It spins at medium speed, clockwise. The colors of this chakra are emerald, jade, & teal green shades of a beautiful lush sparkly forest. Located at the very center of your chest, you may focus your attention mindfully. There is a smaller chakra as well called the “Higher Heart Chakra” located to the upper right of the Heart Chakra that spins white-hot golden pink firelight. They work in conjunction with one another. The Higher Heart Chakra echoes into the rich vibrant colors of the lushy green forest of the Heart Chakra. Sometimes I like to imagine each chakra as an alive, living,  pulsing many-petalled light-filled flower blooming, if that makes sense. Can you see it? It’s similar to like when time-lapse video segments are combined into a one-minute piece, showing a flower growing fast before your very eyes. To me, that is the gorgeous green petalled Heart Chakra. It seems to be… just sat there as if breathing in a state of eternal bliss & blooming. Quite cool, actually.

In order for the Heart Chakra to be clean & open it must be properly maintained. Like the engine in a Maserati, must be serviced regularly in order to keep it at its full operating capacity for optimal performance. One could say, that the Heart Chakra is the engine of us. It, therefore, must be free of all build up in order to function properly. All its pistons must be free of gunk & lubricated accordingly, in order for the rest of the car parts to function at their best. Past pains keep the heart center either closed or clogged. If the Heart Chakra is not renovated & deliberately opened… then it will warp a person’s emotional reality & stunt their capacity to give & receive love. It will disable their ability to feel good outside of artificial temporal means or the usage of others to feel good like a vulture or vampire.

Love from within comes from the Heart Chakra. Self-love is seated there. The only way a person can be whole in this lifetime & position themselves for superior success on all levels, in every area of life… is to heal & develop the Heart Chakra. Period.

When we learn to become one with our own true identity through this… subsequently, we become free of the belief in scarcity, neediness, greed, & selfishness. We will experience much less grief in the form of dis-ease, suffering, pain, chronic sadness, depression, fear or anger. We will be more inclined to float above, so to speak, the constant undercurrent of human-hood. We will learn how to manage not being caught within the ebb & flow & push/pull of the paradoxical reality of the opposites, consequently letting it affect & dominate our moods & attitudes, leading to the Bi-Polar Nation we seem to live in today.

What were once manipulations, now become manifestations instead. We lose the need to manipulate because we have learned how to autonomously manifest our own chosen realities. Who needs to manipulate others & circumstances in their favor if they have harnessed the powers of deliberate creation via the law of attraction from within? Becoming a master manifestor eliminates the need for competition as well, for he knows that there is no need to compare or compete in order to manifest glory or significant increase. There is plenty to go around. One does not have to take away from one thing to give to another. Abundance is just that: Abundant. A master manifestor versus a master of illusion with a poker face… is much more admirable & evolved.

Where we were once inclined to feed off the TV, mindless fruitless activities, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, or any kind of over-indulgent behaviors… such as over-compensating, over eating, over working, over mothering, over gossiping, over spending, over exercising… we are now more inclined to be balanced & to be content with the stillness of the moment. The here & now… as they say.

Living successfully within the present moment, indicates that we have now learned to bask in the sun of the ever present eternal now. Unmoved like a tall strongly rooted tree in the midst of a raging hurricane. Be that eye of the storm, the peaceful calm… in the center of it all. Affirmation: ” I am! The eye of the storm!”

We become masters of our own realities as we have learned to tap source from within as opposed to lookin’ all around & out & about for things outside of us to cleanse our pallets & stimulate our appetite for satisfaction & fulfillment.

As of late, anyone that has been following my journey will know, I have chosen to become Vegan. I am now choosing to only eat vibrant plant-based foods. I have chosen this, not only for the sake of animal rights but by consuming natural earthy elements only,  it assists my soul in evolving more freely & rapidly. Leading to a more peaceful existence undone from the conditioning of the past in such ways via the harsh DNA strands in slaughtered & abused animals, my world shines much brighter & life becomes more of an effortless journey.

The heavyweight of any toxin that may have been a hidden “enemy in the brush” of sorts, concealed & lurking in the foods or liquids I may have been consuming for so long, is now lifted. The elusive threat to my well being is now removed. My spirit is now freer to animate & orchestrate my behaviors, choices, desires, thoughts & feelings accordingly… and my life, body, mind & soul are the beneficiaries thereof.

I am a firm believer in freedom of will & choice. It is up to each of us to discern what our own personal requirements are. Jesus once said: “Know Thyself.” It applies here. If you are to choose to partake of meat & dairy, please choose to do so responsibly. Choose: grass-fed, organic, free-range, humane farm raised everything. And, keep in mind: Moderation=Maturity.

There is an ancient Hermetic quote I like to refer to with regard to these concepts. It is as follows:

“As above, so below; as within, so without. All is mental; all is energy.”

—Hermetic Law


My advice… stick with your tribe. Life is much more fluid that way. Within the context of a life lived alongside kindred spirits… is joy & peace; serenity & fulfillment at it’s finest. La Dolce Vita! And, one more thing… detox the Heart Chakra… & you will finally realize what you’ve been missing all this time 🙂

Thanks for reading!

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